Welcome to Home of Wren. I'm Wren, a self-taught artist. Join me in my home art studio on a journey of finding inspiration through the beauty of nature captured through art. I love to paint watercolor flowers, experiment with artistic mediums in my sketchbook practice and make art at home. I believe "home is where your art is." Whether you're an art enthusiast, a budding creator, or simply seeking beauty, this channel is your home of artistic expression!

A few years ago, when the world was in the height of uncertainty, I found myself seeking for more meaning. I felt unsatisfied with my career, needing to find an outlet for creative expression. Looking back in my life I remembered a time when I practiced art regularly. As a young girl I loved to sketch and paint, finding any reason to be creative. Over time, life and responsibilities led me in a different direction, leaving my art aside. I decided to "come home" to myself and return to my love of making art. Join me on the journey.


Shared 6 months ago