Welcome to the the teachings of the traditional Islam through the way of the great Naqshbandi Sufi Masters.
The Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Aslami Sufi Order.
If you would like to attain peace and tranquility.
Join us every Wednesday at 7.30 pm and Saturday at 6 pm in Keighley, West Yorkshire, UK. For only 1 hour.
Hazrat Khawaja Sufi Pir Dr Amjad Mahmood Sahib Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Aslami (Keighley) Mehfil held on Wednesday's.
Hazrat Khawaja Sufi Pir Abdul Rashid sahib Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Aslami (Keighley) Mehfil held on Saturday's.
Comment on any video, and I will get back to you with details.
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In Sufism it is believed that Muhammad (pbuh) is the seal of Prophets.
The Sufi's - according to the words of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): "The gnostics are the inheritors of prophets" - believe that Allah's mercy is such that He would not leave humanity without living guides.