Evil Youtubers/groups/people/shows that are not good :
Assasin- Kai and Ocean hater! He tells bad stuff to kai and ocean fans!
universal music group- mute or delete videos
Warner music group- mute or delete videos
Presc0ttBush- owns anyone and likes bush
Justin Bieber- worst singer
Jonas Brothers- worst band ever
Beardmania- owns anyone he wants
All Acer accounts- make fun of everyone
lilpimpgg (Unchi1999)- copies videos but not anymore for now
AntiFunimation- Hates Funimation version of DBZ
calmsnowfall- 054martinm's buddy
Abusive parents- I wish they burn to the hell fire where they will be speed raped by demons for all of eternity.
CW4KIDS - ruined kai and other anime shows
054martinm- trolls Funi dbz and doesn't like Stephanie Nadolny to voice Gohan
MrJon1256- Acer762 alt account. Made fun of my friends and myself!
Fake Teamfourstar accounts- make fake tfs videos
Rebecca Black- Worse than Justin Bieber
Harold Camping- False prophet!!!
Shared 13 years ago