The Funny Music Project (The FuMP)

The FuMP quite simply is The Funny Music Project. We just thought The FuMP had a nice ring to it. Like the ringing a boxer hears after he's been hit in the head one too many times.

The FuMP is a collaborative effort made up of a core group of comedy musicians. These are Possible Oscar, Raymond and Scum, Devo Spice, the great Luke Ski, Tom Smith, Power Salad, and Worm Quartet. These artists have committed to releasing new or unlreleased recordings of their music to the public under a Creative Commons license. This means we promise not to be upset when a video of you lip synching to our song in your underwear appears on YouTube.

In addition to the core members there are several additional auxiliary members who will also be contributing songs to the project here and there. These include Paul and Storm, Possible Oscar, and Jonathan Coulton, whose business model we stole borrowed to set this up.