Perform At Your Best. The difference between a good performance and a great one is the ability to connect with your audience. Whether you’re on the stage, in the studio, in the board room, or behind the pulpit, making that connection means everything. The equipment you choose can make or break you, so make no compromises. I DJ NOW provides the products and personal support to help you connect with your audience. Here you’ll find the latest in DJ equipment, Recording, Lighting, and Pro-Audio gear; all backed by our BestPrice+Plus Guarantee. On our website or in our NY-based showrooms with live demonstration displays, we take pride in customizing solutions for you, so you can perform at your best. We know this stuff inside and out. You don’t have to be a DJ to shop with us. People from every profession Gear Up at I DJ NOW. Not sure what you need? We’ll help you select the right gear for you and your budget.


Shared 1 year ago



Shared 1 year ago