Advanced Chiropractic of Dallas

Serving the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

At Advanced Chiropractic of Dallas we use the Y-axis manual decompression or also known as the Ring Dinger to achieve great results. This isn’t your typical chiropractic office where they require you to be seen three times a week for months on end. The average we see our patients is three visits total, that’s because we get results.

You’ve been to other chiropractors for 50 visits, physical therapy for 24, received epidural steroid injections, started exercising, lost weight, but still have that pain! Many of our patients have done it all, but still have to live with daily pain. Many of our patients get more relief after their first visit with us than they did doing all the other stuff combined.

If you have spine pain you owe it to yourself to get checked by Dr. Elahi. The Ring Dinger technique is a game changer.
TikTok: @drelahi


Shared 1 year ago