Welcome to GoldenFox Pictures. The channel consist of reviews, some higlight reels of any let's plays, and other content that is yet to come underway. So stick around & subscribe!
Let me address that when it comes to my content being used elsewhere, I normally don't mind. There have been reactions to my content before, there were commentary videos addressing things I said, including some rants. Some of which I'm not a fan of, but the most I can do is acknowledge them and move on. I don't ever tend to file any Copyright strike to them because it's not only a dick move, it's obviously a violation of fair use. Something my channel alone highly depends on. In fact that's most of the platform here.
With that off my chest, I DO NOT appreciate it when someone uploads my own content in their entirety. Just recently, someone uploaded my old Sonic parody, Sonic the Unstoppable, on their channel not once, but three times. That is not okay in my book! It's not the first time my content was stolen and uploaded on different channels before. All I had to do was report to YouTube that it was stolen content. But not too long ago, I received a notice about my content being uploaded on someone else's channel. For the first time I had to actually file a takedown request. Not even a minute afterwards, the stolen video was taken down. I don't like having to file takedowns because I know how devastating those can be on the other end. I encountered those before and it's terrifying. So I kind of feel sorry for the uploader, but I did what I had to do.
Like I mentioned before, I'm fine if someone uses my content for transformative practices like commentary, reactions, even on streams. I remember someone did that with my Best of GoldenFox Plays, and were played in their entirety. But they were occasionally paused, and commentated on and there was a bunch of other stuff on the screen. So I was fine with that as I try to be loose with Copyright. But if you just upload my video itself with no commentary, no reactions, no form of any transformative practices, you are easily setting yourself up to get in trouble.
I know this is obvious to most of you, but some people will do that, and I don't hesitate to take action. Thank you for your understanding. Happy Holidays, and a good 2025!
Hey, everyone. I hope that this Halloween is fun for you all, and as always I do wish you all the best. It’s admittedly weird that I’m making another update post after last month, but I recently have been thinking over my projects in how I am going about it. Basically I have a confession to make. Some of you may have noticed that there was a cluster of videos that were released every December. A part of that is because in making content, Ad Revenue becomes the highest rate. And financially it’s helpful for me, especially with bills. The other part is that a lot of the videos that were released previously were meant to be done earlier in that year and I stalled for too long. These are what I used to call them “December Bombs” as an influence coined off of the “Steven Universe Bombs” when it was a relevant show. In any case, I was already going to repeat the same process this year, but with more scripts. I mentioned that I have some MLP scripts, including the pilot with the help of Faolan Cortez. Bless her heart, she was very helpful. Outside of that though, I also have Returning to Pride Rock to finish up, and it’s been sitting in the backseat for a while and I’m not even halfway. There’s also a milestone type of video I have yet to get done. There’s some vlog related content I wanted to get done, and I have my remaining entries of The Best of GFP. That’s a lot and I just had to take a step back and ask myself “What am I doing with myself?”
And nine times out of ten, they’re done, but I just exhaust myself more than I realize. And I’m not getting any younger so that doesn’t help. What also didn’t help was how discouraged I was at the start of this year, hearing all the hate with Gen 5. I was intimidated to write a single script because of that. You all already know about it as I made a few posts at this point, and I’m glad that this behavior has been called out on. And I already started taking notes to make a review of Chapter 2 and prepare reviewing Winter Wish Day with Christmas around the corner. But I realize… I’m too late to even get started now. And if I rush or push myself to get a shit ton of content out during Christmas… I’m going to repeat the same pattern. I have to stop myself and strategize myself better. You know that saying it’s not the destination, it’s the journey that matters the most? That’s something I didn’t consider when making my content. In the past, I was always excited at what I made so far. But because I was too eager, I was more impatiently thinking about the end results than endorsing the present. And that of course bit me in the ass. But… I started to think strategically on how I can get things done step by step. From writing scripts to editing bits and pieces of content. And I want to embrace those moments so that I don’t overwork myself.
So what does this mean for this year? You can already guess that I’m considering postponing my content, but selectively I’m going to finish up ones that I think are more mandatory than others. And for what’s left, I’m taking my time to work on them efficiently so that I can actually be more active this coming year, and use it to my advantage in having a more consistent upload schedule. This is something I should’ve come to a compromise of instead of making clusters of videos and then tiring myself out. Things have been very challenging ever since my channel was recovered a few years ago when it was hacked and taken down. That’s a situation I wouldn’t wish even on my worst enemy.
All things considered, what’s in store for this year? The simple answer; I plan to get the remaining entries of The Best of GFP done, including this month with a Halloween special. I’m more than confident that I’ll be able to get that done. It’s just that editing vector after vector is so tiring and exhausting. I should confess that I thought about hiring an additional editor to help me out. And @TheBluishPony has come to mind, given what he can muster up. One of his best examples was this following video from a few years ago when I streamed The Minish Cap. Very impressive shit!
But I don’t know how busy the dude is and I certainly want to make sure I can afford to pay him too. I don’t like the idea of having someone working with my own content. That’s just bad business practices and I already feel back for Mimkage when she volunteered to draw me art for my thumbnails with no charge. That was fucked up of me to enable that back then. However, I am aware that some would want to pitch in, but I should also warn that I can get a bit strict over some things. And that’s mainly because of how I want my content made. Meanwhile I’m already trying to find editing gigs myself so that I can financially dig myself out. But with that out of the way, I’m also going to make my follow up video with regard to the Filli Vanilli incident because I need closure to that. Ten years of weight to get off my shoulders and it’s been sitting there for too long.
One last thing that’s coming underway is something I did earlier this year. For the first time, I’m experimenting with Supercuts, which are editing compilations of older content. This is so that I can reintroduce my older content for any newcomers on my channel. At the same time, I’m going to address that some things have changed over time. They’ll be hours of premiering over the weekends as I call them “Weekend Bingers”. They’re already done and will be playing over the holidays to make up for content. I hope it works well.
I think that covers everything. I hope you all understand my circumstances. I know you were all forgiving of my previous posts, but I don’t want to get cocky either. In any case, I hope you all have a very Happy Halloween!
It's not often that I share my stream links here but with a bigger following, I figured I'd invite you guys in. Time for some Den streaming at the start of Autumn... which there wasn't another heat wave... but no use complaining. Come on in! youtube.com/live/tmYF1D0C3Wo?si=DSBb0kQ2SoLo19Z2
I hope everyone's been good this September. I've been taking a break from work for the past week to relax and get some content worked on. However, as you saw my latest video, things weren't exactly smooth sailing. Nonetheless, I was able to get some stuff worked on. It just wasn't what I wasn't expecting and I'll be going over the details as to what.
Before I do, I want to touch on a few things regarding my recent video about the problems in the fandom. Firstly, I want to say thank you to everyone in support of it to spread awareness. Through their own posts, video responses, reddit and what have you. Not to mention some other people have been calling this behavior out through YouTube, including someone by the name of @bluebolt_mlp. He said pretty much similar things I have with the regard of G5's backlash, although with a few differences. But I recommend him and his video regardless.
Having that said, I need to clear the air over some aspects that I either wasn't clear on or failed to mention. A handful of people stated I was being one-sided on the matter when I called out the unhinged behavior. This is mainly because I was so focused on the said unhinged behavior as I found it to be the absolute worst and most intolerable behavior. Sadly however, that very behavior was with the G4 fans. Though I'd argue they don't deserve to be called fans at this point. Some people call them "G4 purist" but if you ask me, I don't think it's very "pure" to lash out death threats or boo out loud in the presence of someone who either likes or was a staff member of any generation. But I digress. If G5 fans were booing over G4, I would still not tolerate the behavior.
In fact, @lightning-bliss has shared her story where her followers detested her over her Twitter thread, stating she's not a true fan because she disliked G5. A similar thing with @MadMunchkin where she got hate comments because of her stance on G5 through a video. Guys... you know what's the best solution? Just don't commentate on it. Expressing your frustrations and anger in a comment is going to make you look stupid. They didn't like G5. Boo hoo. Move the fuck on! I'm not on the same boat with them either, and I've been friends with them for years. In fact @MasterCodeAceAnalyst and I have a ton of fun playing games online like Helldivers 2 and Lethal Company! And he knowingly HATES Make Your Mark! I'm personally not a fan of his opinions or his videos on the matter, but I don't think less of him as a friend. We just play along and have fun with any shenanigans on the said games. The same is said for everyone else. I don't think less of them over their disapproval of a certain generation of MLP. So what do you gain when you type "You're not a true fan" or "I'm not supporting you"? Nothing! They're not going to change their mind and cater to you. How would you like it if someone told you to not like G5? We already know about the death threats and the booing, so I think you already know the answer. My advice; stay in your own lane and not cross paths to start fights. Respect boundaries. And that goes for literally everybody!
The other of which, some have asked how evident the tweets were over the matters of death threats and the booing. The possibility that I may have been manipulated in some way. But I imagine that when @Makakaka made that video, he must've been asked the same question. The tweet had the name crossed out, but I presume it's because it would've been dangerous to reveal their identity. Which is understandable. And there hasn't been any video evidence over the booing at the con, which was Czequestria, but it was said it happened during the opening Ceremony and Bahia refused to anticipate the Closing Ceremony. Can't say I blame her. But regardless, all I can say is this can be taken with a pinch of salt. Even so, that shouldn't stop me or anyone to call out on this kind of behavior.
Something I wanted to add was that prior to the booing, I wanted to make a video on the death threats while following up the ugly events with Filli Vanilli 10 years ago. There, I was going to deliver what thoughts I had were changed and what remained the same. And also state that death threats are not ok, including the recent death threats to G5 fans. However, because of what happened with Bahia, that's changed. And based on what my recent video was about, it would be tedious if I made another video on the same matter, even if I went through an overhaul on the script. Who knows? Maybe I'll still make a video about that because I needed closure to that chapter for a long time. I'll have to think it over.
Sometime after I uploaded the video, it has been confirmed by Hasbro that Tell Your Tale will officially be over with on the 17th of October. And it's a shame, not just for the G5 fans but for all fans of My Little Pony. We're once again going to be in the absence of new content from the official publishers and will have to rely on fan content until there's a G6. I know there have been leaks where Twilight, Misty and a few other beloved characters were going to be on some kind of camp and was later confirmed it was scrapped. Honestly I didn't think that was ever going to work, but at the same time, people assumed that now there's a G7 on the way... even though it's fruitless to skip a number because a certain concept or proposal was scrapped. For all we know, there could be another form of G6. One thing is certain... there will never be a show like Friendship is Magic. That was lightning in a bottle that can't be captured twice. My advice... be patient, and subvert your expectations!
In the meantime, for what remains on my projects aside from the Filli Vanilli follow up, my Best of GFP videos have taken longer than expected to where I won't be able to get it out this month. But I am close with all tedious vector importing, and there might be a few entries in one month. I don't want to count my chickens, but these two back to back have taken the longest for me this year and I'm hopeful to be done with them soon with a Halloween based entry that I want to get done as well.
Aside from that, I got help from @FaolanCortez in finalizing my script for a G5 review. Yeah, I finally have an MLP review almost ready! And I'm already getting started on the next one. When you think about it, I already have a few in the works, depending on the Filli Vanilli follow-up. So even though I haven't gotten my latest entries of The Best of GFP done, I've made some progress. Even so, the said entries of The Best of GFP are almost done like I mentioned before.
So that's everything. That was a lot for me to type out. I wanted to clear the air on some things and update you all on what's to come, and encourage a more hopeful future. Until then, I'll catch you all later.
I want to apologize for not getting any content out once again. I said I would have a video up last month, and here we are, almost done with September with nothing. This is kind of why I don't like to post that many updates or so whereabouts. They hype you all up and I fail to live up to the promise. At the same time though, it is important to keep you all posted.
Admittedly I slacked off at what I meant to post. I'm not behind schedule on The Best of GFP, but I do have a script that's actually both important and a bit of a heavy subject regarding MLP. I'd give the gist of it but aside from saving that for my patrons, I want to make sure the time is right. As far as I'm concerned with anything in reviewing MLP... it's been hard. It's been hard for me to get my feelings out since things have been so out of hand. And I keep fearing the worst outcome at my expense. I know that's silly, but based on some material I saw that urked me, it's been hard being a Brony reviewer these days. It's pressuring and discouraging, which was the opposite of when I used to review MLP material... also writer's block is a total bitch.
For any current patrons, and channel members, I'll make sure you get your money's worth as I have more to say for you both specifically. So I'll just leave this post for now to keep everyone in the loop.
Happy September. Glad Autumn is coming. Summer can kiss my ass this year!
Hey, everybody! How is it going? I first want to say thank you to all who have supported and enjoyed my content on YouTube. It means a lot to me that you all are still sticking around despite my long absence in making content. And it's nice to finally get some stuff off the ground for once.
Having that said, there are some other projects that are going to take a while for me to make, including the latest entries of The Best of Golden Fox Plays. Some of you can piece together what my next entry is going to be about. But for those who don’t know, let’s just say this next entry is going to be a two-parter. Admittedly, I originally didn’t plan this, but we are talking about hours of streaming of a game that took me over a year or so to finish. So it’s a lot to clip apart. And I want to make sure that you guys have the best quality of what I've made. So I am considering having it done and out by late September compared to normally releasing each entry on a monthly basis. This is so that in the meantime, I’m taking this opportunity to get other projects off the ground, as well as preparing other entries for The Best of GoldenFox Plays!
Fret not, I will still get some content out during August to keep you guys in the loop. For further details on what they're going to be about, I'm going to save them for my patrons when the time comes. But in any case, thank you for your time. Stay tuned, and stay cool as August is here.
GoldenFox Pictures
Yes I know this cover is a few years old now but it’s all I have to say Happy Holidays! https://youtu.be/rpGyMRHmttk?si=9fd4R...
3 weeks ago | [YT] | 23
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GoldenFox Pictures
As we approach about half way to Christmas...
1 month ago | [YT] | 18
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GoldenFox Pictures
Let me address that when it comes to my content being used elsewhere, I normally don't mind. There have been reactions to my content before, there were commentary videos addressing things I said, including some rants. Some of which I'm not a fan of, but the most I can do is acknowledge them and move on. I don't ever tend to file any Copyright strike to them because it's not only a dick move, it's obviously a violation of fair use. Something my channel alone highly depends on. In fact that's most of the platform here.
With that off my chest, I DO NOT appreciate it when someone uploads my own content in their entirety. Just recently, someone uploaded my old Sonic parody, Sonic the Unstoppable, on their channel not once, but three times. That is not okay in my book! It's not the first time my content was stolen and uploaded on different channels before. All I had to do was report to YouTube that it was stolen content. But not too long ago, I received a notice about my content being uploaded on someone else's channel. For the first time I had to actually file a takedown request. Not even a minute afterwards, the stolen video was taken down. I don't like having to file takedowns because I know how devastating those can be on the other end. I encountered those before and it's terrifying. So I kind of feel sorry for the uploader, but I did what I had to do.
Like I mentioned before, I'm fine if someone uses my content for transformative practices like commentary, reactions, even on streams. I remember someone did that with my Best of GoldenFox Plays, and were played in their entirety. But they were occasionally paused, and commentated on and there was a bunch of other stuff on the screen. So I was fine with that as I try to be loose with Copyright. But if you just upload my video itself with no commentary, no reactions, no form of any transformative practices, you are easily setting yourself up to get in trouble.
I know this is obvious to most of you, but some people will do that, and I don't hesitate to take action. Thank you for your understanding. Happy Holidays, and a good 2025!
1 month ago (edited) | [YT] | 41
View 2 replies
GoldenFox Pictures
Hey, everyone. I hope that this Halloween is fun for you all, and as always I do wish you all the best. It’s admittedly weird that I’m making another update post after last month, but I recently have been thinking over my projects in how I am going about it. Basically I have a confession to make. Some of you may have noticed that there was a cluster of videos that were released every December. A part of that is because in making content, Ad Revenue becomes the highest rate. And financially it’s helpful for me, especially with bills. The other part is that a lot of the videos that were released previously were meant to be done earlier in that year and I stalled for too long. These are what I used to call them “December Bombs” as an influence coined off of the “Steven Universe Bombs” when it was a relevant show. In any case, I was already going to repeat the same process this year, but with more scripts. I mentioned that I have some MLP scripts, including the pilot with the help of Faolan Cortez. Bless her heart, she was very helpful. Outside of that though, I also have Returning to Pride Rock to finish up, and it’s been sitting in the backseat for a while and I’m not even halfway. There’s also a milestone type of video I have yet to get done. There’s some vlog related content I wanted to get done, and I have my remaining entries of The Best of GFP. That’s a lot and I just had to take a step back and ask myself “What am I doing with myself?”
And nine times out of ten, they’re done, but I just exhaust myself more than I realize. And I’m not getting any younger so that doesn’t help. What also didn’t help was how discouraged I was at the start of this year, hearing all the hate with Gen 5. I was intimidated to write a single script because of that. You all already know about it as I made a few posts at this point, and I’m glad that this behavior has been called out on. And I already started taking notes to make a review of Chapter 2 and prepare reviewing Winter Wish Day with Christmas around the corner. But I realize… I’m too late to even get started now. And if I rush or push myself to get a shit ton of content out during Christmas… I’m going to repeat the same pattern. I have to stop myself and strategize myself better. You know that saying it’s not the destination, it’s the journey that matters the most? That’s something I didn’t consider when making my content. In the past, I was always excited at what I made so far. But because I was too eager, I was more impatiently thinking about the end results than endorsing the present. And that of course bit me in the ass. But… I started to think strategically on how I can get things done step by step. From writing scripts to editing bits and pieces of content. And I want to embrace those moments so that I don’t overwork myself.
So what does this mean for this year? You can already guess that I’m considering postponing my content, but selectively I’m going to finish up ones that I think are more mandatory than others. And for what’s left, I’m taking my time to work on them efficiently so that I can actually be more active this coming year, and use it to my advantage in having a more consistent upload schedule. This is something I should’ve come to a compromise of instead of making clusters of videos and then tiring myself out. Things have been very challenging ever since my channel was recovered a few years ago when it was hacked and taken down. That’s a situation I wouldn’t wish even on my worst enemy.
All things considered, what’s in store for this year? The simple answer; I plan to get the remaining entries of The Best of GFP done, including this month with a Halloween special. I’m more than confident that I’ll be able to get that done. It’s just that editing vector after vector is so tiring and exhausting. I should confess that I thought about hiring an additional editor to help me out. And @TheBluishPony has come to mind, given what he can muster up. One of his best examples was this following video from a few years ago when I streamed The Minish Cap. Very impressive shit!
But I don’t know how busy the dude is and I certainly want to make sure I can afford to pay him too. I don’t like the idea of having someone working with my own content. That’s just bad business practices and I already feel back for Mimkage when she volunteered to draw me art for my thumbnails with no charge. That was fucked up of me to enable that back then. However, I am aware that some would want to pitch in, but I should also warn that I can get a bit strict over some things. And that’s mainly because of how I want my content made. Meanwhile I’m already trying to find editing gigs myself so that I can financially dig myself out. But with that out of the way, I’m also going to make my follow up video with regard to the Filli Vanilli incident because I need closure to that. Ten years of weight to get off my shoulders and it’s been sitting there for too long.
One last thing that’s coming underway is something I did earlier this year. For the first time, I’m experimenting with Supercuts, which are editing compilations of older content. This is so that I can reintroduce my older content for any newcomers on my channel. At the same time, I’m going to address that some things have changed over time. They’ll be hours of premiering over the weekends as I call them “Weekend Bingers”. They’re already done and will be playing over the holidays to make up for content. I hope it works well.
I think that covers everything. I hope you all understand my circumstances. I know you were all forgiving of my previous posts, but I don’t want to get cocky either. In any case, I hope you all have a very Happy Halloween!
3 months ago | [YT] | 37
View 7 replies
GoldenFox Pictures
It's not often that I share my stream links here but with a bigger following, I figured I'd invite you guys in. Time for some Den streaming at the start of Autumn... which there wasn't another heat wave... but no use complaining. Come on in! youtube.com/live/tmYF1D0C3Wo?si=DSBb0kQ2SoLo19Z2
3 months ago | [YT] | 44
View 1 reply
GoldenFox Pictures
I hope everyone's been good this September. I've been taking a break from work for the past week to relax and get some content worked on. However, as you saw my latest video, things weren't exactly smooth sailing. Nonetheless, I was able to get some stuff worked on. It just wasn't what I wasn't expecting and I'll be going over the details as to what.
Before I do, I want to touch on a few things regarding my recent video about the problems in the fandom. Firstly, I want to say thank you to everyone in support of it to spread awareness. Through their own posts, video responses, reddit and what have you. Not to mention some other people have been calling this behavior out through YouTube, including someone by the name of @bluebolt_mlp. He said pretty much similar things I have with the regard of G5's backlash, although with a few differences. But I recommend him and his video regardless.
Having that said, I need to clear the air over some aspects that I either wasn't clear on or failed to mention. A handful of people stated I was being one-sided on the matter when I called out the unhinged behavior. This is mainly because I was so focused on the said unhinged behavior as I found it to be the absolute worst and most intolerable behavior. Sadly however, that very behavior was with the G4 fans. Though I'd argue they don't deserve to be called fans at this point. Some people call them "G4 purist" but if you ask me, I don't think it's very "pure" to lash out death threats or boo out loud in the presence of someone who either likes or was a staff member of any generation. But I digress. If G5 fans were booing over G4, I would still not tolerate the behavior.
In fact, @lightning-bliss has shared her story where her followers detested her over her Twitter thread, stating she's not a true fan because she disliked G5. A similar thing with @MadMunchkin where she got hate comments because of her stance on G5 through a video. Guys... you know what's the best solution? Just don't commentate on it. Expressing your frustrations and anger in a comment is going to make you look stupid. They didn't like G5. Boo hoo. Move the fuck on! I'm not on the same boat with them either, and I've been friends with them for years. In fact @MasterCodeAceAnalyst and I have a ton of fun playing games online like Helldivers 2 and Lethal Company! And he knowingly HATES Make Your Mark! I'm personally not a fan of his opinions or his videos on the matter, but I don't think less of him as a friend. We just play along and have fun with any shenanigans on the said games. The same is said for everyone else. I don't think less of them over their disapproval of a certain generation of MLP. So what do you gain when you type "You're not a true fan" or "I'm not supporting you"? Nothing! They're not going to change their mind and cater to you. How would you like it if someone told you to not like G5? We already know about the death threats and the booing, so I think you already know the answer. My advice; stay in your own lane and not cross paths to start fights. Respect boundaries. And that goes for literally everybody!
The other of which, some have asked how evident the tweets were over the matters of death threats and the booing. The possibility that I may have been manipulated in some way. But I imagine that when @Makakaka made that video, he must've been asked the same question. The tweet had the name crossed out, but I presume it's because it would've been dangerous to reveal their identity. Which is understandable. And there hasn't been any video evidence over the booing at the con, which was Czequestria, but it was said it happened during the opening Ceremony and Bahia refused to anticipate the Closing Ceremony. Can't say I blame her. But regardless, all I can say is this can be taken with a pinch of salt. Even so, that shouldn't stop me or anyone to call out on this kind of behavior.
Something I wanted to add was that prior to the booing, I wanted to make a video on the death threats while following up the ugly events with Filli Vanilli 10 years ago. There, I was going to deliver what thoughts I had were changed and what remained the same. And also state that death threats are not ok, including the recent death threats to G5 fans. However, because of what happened with Bahia, that's changed. And based on what my recent video was about, it would be tedious if I made another video on the same matter, even if I went through an overhaul on the script. Who knows? Maybe I'll still make a video about that because I needed closure to that chapter for a long time. I'll have to think it over.
Sometime after I uploaded the video, it has been confirmed by Hasbro that Tell Your Tale will officially be over with on the 17th of October. And it's a shame, not just for the G5 fans but for all fans of My Little Pony. We're once again going to be in the absence of new content from the official publishers and will have to rely on fan content until there's a G6. I know there have been leaks where Twilight, Misty and a few other beloved characters were going to be on some kind of camp and was later confirmed it was scrapped. Honestly I didn't think that was ever going to work, but at the same time, people assumed that now there's a G7 on the way... even though it's fruitless to skip a number because a certain concept or proposal was scrapped. For all we know, there could be another form of G6. One thing is certain... there will never be a show like Friendship is Magic. That was lightning in a bottle that can't be captured twice. My advice... be patient, and subvert your expectations!
In the meantime, for what remains on my projects aside from the Filli Vanilli follow up, my Best of GFP videos have taken longer than expected to where I won't be able to get it out this month. But I am close with all tedious vector importing, and there might be a few entries in one month. I don't want to count my chickens, but these two back to back have taken the longest for me this year and I'm hopeful to be done with them soon with a Halloween based entry that I want to get done as well.
Aside from that, I got help from @FaolanCortez in finalizing my script for a G5 review. Yeah, I finally have an MLP review almost ready! And I'm already getting started on the next one. When you think about it, I already have a few in the works, depending on the Filli Vanilli follow-up. So even though I haven't gotten my latest entries of The Best of GFP done, I've made some progress. Even so, the said entries of The Best of GFP are almost done like I mentioned before.
So that's everything. That was a lot for me to type out. I wanted to clear the air on some things and update you all on what's to come, and encourage a more hopeful future. Until then, I'll catch you all later.
3 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 111
View 15 replies
GoldenFox Pictures
I want to apologize for not getting any content out once again. I said I would have a video up last month, and here we are, almost done with September with nothing. This is kind of why I don't like to post that many updates or so whereabouts. They hype you all up and I fail to live up to the promise. At the same time though, it is important to keep you all posted.
Admittedly I slacked off at what I meant to post. I'm not behind schedule on The Best of GFP, but I do have a script that's actually both important and a bit of a heavy subject regarding MLP. I'd give the gist of it but aside from saving that for my patrons, I want to make sure the time is right. As far as I'm concerned with anything in reviewing MLP... it's been hard. It's been hard for me to get my feelings out since things have been so out of hand. And I keep fearing the worst outcome at my expense. I know that's silly, but based on some material I saw that urked me, it's been hard being a Brony reviewer these days. It's pressuring and discouraging, which was the opposite of when I used to review MLP material... also writer's block is a total bitch.
For any current patrons, and channel members, I'll make sure you get your money's worth as I have more to say for you both specifically. So I'll just leave this post for now to keep everyone in the loop.
Happy September. Glad Autumn is coming. Summer can kiss my ass this year!
4 months ago | [YT] | 61
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GoldenFox Pictures
Cool I guess...
4 months ago | [YT] | 37
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GoldenFox Pictures
Hey, everybody! How is it going? I first want to say thank you to all who have supported and enjoyed my content on YouTube. It means a lot to me that you all are still sticking around despite my long absence in making content. And it's nice to finally get some stuff off the ground for once.
Having that said, there are some other projects that are going to take a while for me to make, including the latest entries of The Best of Golden Fox Plays. Some of you can piece together what my next entry is going to be about. But for those who don’t know, let’s just say this next entry is going to be a two-parter. Admittedly, I originally didn’t plan this, but we are talking about hours of streaming of a game that took me over a year or so to finish. So it’s a lot to clip apart. And I want to make sure that you guys have the best quality of what I've made. So I am considering having it done and out by late September compared to normally releasing each entry on a monthly basis. This is so that in the meantime, I’m taking this opportunity to get other projects off the ground, as well as preparing other entries for The Best of GoldenFox Plays!
Fret not, I will still get some content out during August to keep you guys in the loop. For further details on what they're going to be about, I'm going to save them for my patrons when the time comes. But in any case, thank you for your time. Stay tuned, and stay cool as August is here.
UGH! I hate Summer!
5 months ago | [YT] | 58
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GoldenFox Pictures
For Bronze Tiers on Patreon www.patreon.com/posts/snippet-of-best-108557938?ut…
5 months ago | [YT] | 14
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