I'm a 90's kid. So, this account was created to post one part of the 90's no one else has put up - the final episode of Cheez TV. I'd like to put up episodes of A*mazing, but I didn't record them because let's face it - I didn't really know at the time about the internet and how easy it would be in the future to upload stuff like this. It was quite a hassle getting the final episode up as it was.

UPDATE 24/7/08: I found a place that allows you to watch old school TV shows from Australia. I've got the opportunity to watch A*mazing, but they won't let me buy a copy or take it home to copy. When I began this project, I rang up Channel 7 to find out if it was possible to buy old TV shows, and they convinced me it was possible. I suppose I could use my mobile to record it for the lulz, but the quality would suck and I wouldn't be doing any favors to those who have supported me for putting up Cheez TV.
UPDATE 18/2/09: The Crash Zone:



Shared 9 years ago