Colester's Classroom - Teaching Tips

Kris Cole started teaching environmental science for a Central Florida high school in 1997. He shares what he has learned from the past 28 years regarding classroom discipline, student behavior, lesson plans, seating charts, student performance, pre plan, post plan, parent phone calls, parent conferences, discipline referrals, strategies to build student rapport, PBM, subject knowledge, ways to prevent student cheating, learning modalities (kinesthetic learning, auditory learning, and visual learning) reading strategies, ESE strategies, ways to make learning relevant & meaningful, school within as school models, team teaching models, service learning, grant writing, virtual learning, and so much more.

Kris currently teaches at one of the most diverse high schools in Central Florida for a school with almost 4,000 students. He has taught all grades 9 - 12. He has taught all levels from the lowest standard classes to the most advanced classes for college credit.