Tokyo Experimental Performance Archive

「Tokyo Experimental Performance Archive」は実験的なパフォーマンスにおける継承と創作のサイクルを促す、創造的アーカイブのプラットフォームを構築していくプロジェクトです。 20世紀初頭に生まれ、身体行為表現、美術、音楽等の間で発展して来た実験的なパフォーマンスという表現領域、その蓄積された歴史的コンテクストを再構築し、次世代の創作活動に繋げていくことをミッションに掲げていきます。

The Tokyo Experimental Performance Archive is a project designed to promote the preservation and passing on of the legacy of progressive, experimental performance and to stimulate the creative cycle by building a creative archive platform. The project's mission is to reconstruct the historical context of the genre of experimental performance based on artistic expression through physical movement that began early in the 20th century and grew along with the visual arts and music, and to build an archive that will connect and contribute to the creative activities of the next generation of performance artists.