Steve Wilson (Stephen)

Bible says "test everything" & that means "everything". The only solid foundation on which we stand is Yeshua the Messiah & God's word. We are saved by grace and to walk as He walked (in obedience to the Father's commandments). Again, test everything & follow no one but Yeshua.

Have you died to self & taken up His cross? Have you even counted the cost? Do have a form a godliness & yet deny its power? (Matt 16:24, Luke 14:28, 2 Tim 3:5).

The message is clear. We need to hear His voice & stop following our own. Its not about what you hold dear, but remaining steadfast in Him.



"Lord keep me focused on you & your word, and being obedient. Thank you so very much. In Yeshua's name, Amen"