This guy Dannyyy

I make Caillou Gets Grounded videos using Plotagon. This is a parody based on the TV show of the character’s name, and it’s not affiliated with the prospective owners of this show.

I use bad language in my videos, so if you don’t like the swearing I put on my videos, then don’t complain about it, because I want to make my videos funny and entertain myself and others who are mature enough to be confident with the bad language used on my videos. All of my Plotagon videos are intended for entertainment purposes only.

Social Media(s):

🅿️PSN: Spllitz🅿️
❎Xbox: HappyFoal593399❎
🔫Epic Games: TMX_ELMO🔫
👻 Snapchat: Dannydomo2004👻
🎬Plotagon: NintendoGameCube🎬
🤖Reddit: PurpleSmurf_6000🤖
🔴Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6814-5375-1214🔴
🟣Discord: GrimaceShake64🟣
🐦Twitter: SpongeBob_DS🐦
📱Instagram: Danny._.3DS📱