Inkopolis County Railfan Aceliciea Channel

Welcome my name is Dalton the Owner and CEO of Jobb Industries Ltd a Acorn and Pecan Growing and Harvesting Company which is also why I’m the Acorn Grower and Pecan Farmer in Shiner Texas Area .the There is a diverse range of content from Railfanning,Trainz 2,Trainz 3,Minecraft, Splatoon, Gaming,Reaction Videos, and Analog Horror Reaction on my Channel I Railfan on the Union Pacific’s Cuero Subdivision ,Gillden Subdivison and Canadian Pacific Kansas City’s Rosenberg Subdivision not to mention that I also Railfan on the nearby Class 3 Shortline Railroad like the Gonzales Texas Northern Railroad My favorite locomotives is Union Pacific 5402 and My favorite steam Locomotive is CN 3254
my favorite football teams are the Shiner Comanches , University of Texas Austin Longhorns and the Green Bay Packers
and my favorite Baseball Team is the Houston Astros I’m the Number 2 YouTuber In Shiner Texas