Another place for niconicodougas awesome performances~

n i c o V O C E will particularly focus on fairly unknown dougas since there are way more awesome/gorgeous/heavenly people than those regulars we all know (Valshe, clear, wotamin ....). This is just a little stage to show people outside Japan what is going on in this little country.

Also I will put up Subs on Chinese Songs (hetalia is what came in my mind only~ since there are awesome Translation + Dubs on niconico, too!)~

I will add some thoughts on every clip I upload. This is also like a reason why I think that that clip was upload-worthy~ hope you'll enjoy the little comments on it.

☆ Japanese Translators are welcome! ☆ I hope there will be some people to help me with translations :D

Everyone is free to leave me a comment with fairly unknown nicodougas that hasn't already been posted on YT yet. You can also contact me for certain clips in HD /works on it