Eller there fellow YTers :) Listed below are my videos that are posted and working and yet to be posted. If you happen to dislike one of the videos or one of the ideas, do not speak any further or look at the video anymore. Kind words are appreciated as well as some favourites/rates. Thank you for your time. :) [Geez, why do I sound so smart here? :P]
[Posted&Working x)]
Promise - Vanessa Hudgens (Random Videeeo/Song)
Miss You - MYMP [Sing-A-Long]
Hey Baby (If You'll be My Girl) - DJ Otzi [Sing-A-Long]
SneakerNight - Nessa Hudgens [Sing-A-Long]
Misheard Lyrics - CaramellDansen! (Sing-A-Long/Misheard Lyrics)
Somebody Out There - David Archuleta [Sing-A-Long]
All I Want for Christmas Is Us - Tristan Prettyman ft./ Jason Mraz [Sing-A-Long]
This Video Contains ^-^ (Random Videeeo)
Only See You - Benton Paul [Sing-A-Long]
I Don't Know, Let's Sing! - Jennifer J Chung [Sing-A-Long]
6Teen Theme Song [Sing-A-Long]
KV2 BG Contest Entry [Entry]
[Coming Soon!]
Shared 16 years ago