we are huge jonas brothers, metro station,Simple Plan,and Camp Rock
In Jonas Brohers we love all of them.
In metro Station Megan loves Trace Cyrus and Sydney Loves Mason Musso and his littel bro Mitchel is soooo hot to.we will be the next selena and demi but a littel older.
Real JB fans:
1.Know who the bonas jonas is
2.Knows Nicks dogs name
3.Real JB fans freak out when one of thier songs come on the radio or on tv
4.Real JB fans punch ANYONE who disses the JB in ANYWAY
5.Real JB fans know the name of EVERYONE and what they do in the band
6.Real JB fans love them for who the are and NOT just their looks
7.Real JB fans love ALL the JB...including kevin
8.Real JB fans have this on their profile
9. are happy for kevin in danielle even though they are so angry!
♥♥All the cool kids love metro station♥♥
Yes its true for all you out their i do suffure from OJD