DigiLog 聲響實驗室

DigiLog 廠牌名稱融合了數位 (Digital) 與類比(Analog)一詞,展現我們涉獵與觀看數位音樂領域中的廣度,同時我們也投注在電腦音樂、合成器、聲音技術,以及電子文化的研究­,來增加我們的深度。對我們來說音樂除了是感性的抒發,還包含了許多技巧、邏輯、背景知識等等,我們提供相關的資訊並樂於與各界朋友討論,所以無論是光顧 DigiLog 的實體店面、官網、臉書、Instagram,或者 YouTube,期待每個來的人都可以找尋到所需的資訊,當然最重要的是,讓我們一起沈浸在數位音樂的世界裡。

DigiLog is a portmanteau of "Digital" and "Analog", demonstrates the breadth of our involvement and perspective of digital music. Simultaneously, we focus on computer music, synthesizers, sound technology, and electronic music culture to increase our depth. For us, music not only is a sensual expression but also contains a lot of skills, logic, knowledge and more. We provide relevant information and are willing to discuss with friends who come from different backgrounds and enjoy music a lot, so whether you visit DigiLog‘s physical store, official website, Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, we hope you can find the information you want and, of course, immerse in the world of electronic music!