Samsara Boulevard

Spiritual music band from Budapest.
From the deepest meditation to the wildest trance!

Samsara Boulevard’s music is an encounter of 4 experienced musicians who – living in in the drifted city - are looking for the divine by using music, human voices, and the tradition of mantra singing accompanied by about 40 music instruments! On the way they are not afraid of showing, feeling and sharing the mistakes, indiscretions, humor, or the most sentimental moments of a seeker ​from the deepest meditation to the wildest trance!

Anita Mihók - vocals, guitar, frame drum.
Judit Sattwa Schrenk - vocals, singing bowls, gongs, frame drum.
Sára Dizna Kovács - bansuri, dizi flute, didgeridoo, frame drum, vocal, melodika, turkish ney, indian flutes
Zoltán Bordás - vocals, percussions (jazz drum, konga, tabla, darbuka, doholla, tapan, cajon, frame drums)
György Szatmári Dure - vocals, electronic pad, percussion