| Music Channel | Genre: Everything I want to try |
Sup, you've clicked my channels about "page" probably because you want to know what tha f*ck this channel is about and who "InClusi" is ORRRR maybe you just randomly clicked it cause you got nothin' better to do.
Anyway, Hi i'm John aka "InClusi" I make music and try other stuff too buuut it's mainly music. So why? Why do i make music? Weeeeell i'm just gonna be lazy and copy-paste what i wrote on my Soundcloud: "I make music because it's fun and challenging. I can feel myself getting better every time i make something which is awesome and it makes me feel productive." Myea that's pretty much it i guess... oh maybe a name explanation would be good? "InClusi" is Latin for "Shut up" in some sense, at least that's what google translate says.
Shared 9 years ago