Sami Yaffa - Sound Tracker

Once you know the world’s music, you know the world.

Sami Yaffa – Sound Tracker is a Finnish Emmy -awarded travel television series that approaches destinations from a musical perspective.

The host is the accomplished musical nomad, Sami Yaffa, who has lived the life of musician in all facets. He has played on the streets for cents and arenas for thousands. Music has, however, been something larger than a source of income for Sami: a passion. Sami Yaffa –Sound Tracker is an expedition to cultures where music is more than just a commodity.

Sami wants to prove the worn-out saying to be true: Music is the only universal language.

Season 1:
USA, Serbia, Spain, Argentina, Uruguay, Ethiopia

Season 2:
Jamaica, Indonesia, India, Turkey, Senegal

Season 3:
Colombia, Russia, Ireland, Israel, Palestine, Japan

This channel is a window to “behind the scenes”, “making of” and other extra material of Sami Yaffa - Sound Tracker - happy you found us :)

- Sound Tracker team