Library of Tibetan Works and Archives

The LTWA was set up in 1970 and registered under the law of the host country and started functioning with meagre resources. Over the years it has made steady headway in a variety of developmental works firmly establishing its credibility. Today, the LTWA is one of the premier institutes in the world specialising in Buddhist and Tibetan studies, providing a comprehensive resources and attracting increasing number of scholars, researchers, students and visitors from across the globe. In 1991, the institute was recognised as Centre for Tibetan Studies by Himachal Pradesh University, Govt. of H.P. Five years later the Assembly of Tibetan Peoples’ Deputies (Exile Tibetan Parliament) accorded the LTWA the combined status of National Library, National Museum and National Archives. In 2006, the National Manuscripts Mission, an initiative of the Government of India, appointed the institute as one of the National Manuscripts Resource Centres.