The Woodland Steward

The Woodland Steward is all about sharing our love of nature and allowing others to experience Oak Haven, the 60 acre woodland in southwestern Ohio that we call home. When we purchased this property over twenty years ago it was a wonderful natural area, but was quickly becoming overrun with non-native invasive species such as Garlic Mustard and Honeysuckle (among others). We have worked long and hard to remove those non-native invaders, and along the way have gotten up close and personal with the plant and animal community that lives here. We are Jim & Julie Varick. We both have Bachelor of Science degrees in Botany from Miami University (‘82), which doesn’t necessarily make us experts on what we see in our woods, but it does give us the tools to learn more as we experience more. Please subscribe to our channel and join us on this adventure to experience the woods throughout the seasons and learn what we have done right, and what we have done wrong as Woodland Stewards.