Lost n Found Films

lost-and-found / noun: a repository in a public building where lost articles are kept until their owners reclaim them.

At Lost n Found Films, we're dedicated to preserving the cultural legacy of movies which have LOST their copyright status, AND hope that new viewers can be FOUND. We've catalogued thousands of films which have fallen into the public domain and this list continues to grow each year.

Although there are many channels on YouTube dedicated to public domain films, none seem to provide the level of quality that we do. Our restoration process includes sharpening, stabilization, optical flow, the removal of scratches, dirt, dust, grain, and fixing bad splices. In addition, our colorization process uses state-of-the-art technology, artificial intelligence and scene-to-scene color correction to provide a striking, full-color viewing experience. And as this technology improves, our workflow adapts with it!

Happy viewing!

Lewis Schoenbrun