Ian Player (1927-2014) was a noted South African environmental conservationist. He is best known for saving the White Rhino from extinction. His work with the Natal Parks Board also included Operation Crocodile and efforts to establish wilderness preserves. Dr. Player believed in the power of nature to have a positive effect on mankind and promoted wilderness experiences through his organization Wilderness Leadership School. He led many wilderness trails for people from around the world. As he put it, "Wilderness is for me salvation. You are not human if you aren't changed by the wilderness."

Videos posted to this channel are from Ian Player's Archives, managed by Black Knight International. Black Knight International established in 1983, is the global holding company for The Player Group and the constantly expanding family of Gary Player brands. Dr. Player is world-renowed Grand Slam golfer Gary Player's older brother, who continues Ian's legacy.

For more, see www.ianplayer.com.