Monsieur Minimal

Monsieur Minimal is a composer & song writer born and raised in Greece. His music is defined mainly as vintage pop with a lot of electronic elements expressed through sensual vocals.
With already seven albums to his career :
2008 Lollipop
2010 Pasta Flora (in Greek)
2012 Minimal to Maximal
2015 High Times
2017 Εrotica (in Greek)
2020 Easteria
2024 Seven {From East to West}
excellent reviews, live performances in Greece and abroad, participation in music collections abroad (U.S.A , Switzerand, Turkey, France, Russia, Germany, Poland), soundtracks for TV spots and ads in U.S.A and Canada, collaborations with notable Greek and foreign artists (as the opening act in Moby's concert in Greece in 2011) and with great presence in radio and television playlist, Monsieur Minimal has earned a notable music recognition and title of indie pop aesthete in Greece.