Coach Craig Kenneth

Psychotherapist, Ex Back Coach, and Dating Coach Craig Kenneth teaches you how to get your ex back and much more!

My channel gives men and women easy to understand break up/dating, and relationship strategies to help you get your ex back and allow your relationships thrive! My team consists of 2 other Therapists (Margaret and Victoria)

Some of the topics we discuss are: Break Ups, How to get your Ex back, No Contact, Mental Health, Attachment Styles, Dating, Love, What No contact Is, Making your Ex miss you, and more

I will teach you how to re attract an ex, improve your dating life like you've always dreamed, and help you gain insight and personal growth that makes you feel like a new person.

Aside from being a therapist, I host one of the hottest comedy open mics in the country for over 20 years. My radio show, The Bantering Idiots won a huge national contest and Best New Show by the Orlando Weekly.

Get my help personally go to and sign up for coaching with


Shared 3 months ago