James Hannon has a lot of interests as you will see from this channel - Musical groups of the 1960s, Bronx Gangs of the 1960s, and Cosplay.. Also, Drones, Star Wars, the Wanderers and short films..

He's written 3 documentaries for the first 3 topics:.
1) Film: Out of Our Dens: The Richard and the Young Lions Story
2) Book: Lost Boys of the Bronx: The Oral History of the Ducky Boys Gang
3) Book: Anatomy of a Cosplayer: Tales From Behind the Mask
(All 3 available on Amazon and JamesHannon.com)

They may sound completely different, but they are historical accounts of groups of people I have found fascinating, and felt their stories needed to be told... And you will find videos on this channel of the live people and events featured in these works.... A book can tell a story, but a video makes it "real"