An Iced VoVo is a wheat flour biscuit topped with 2 strips of pink fondant flanking a strip of raspberry jam and sprinkled with coconut. It is a product of the American-owned Australian-based biscuit company Arnott's. Previously known as Iced Vo-Vo biscuits, the brand was first registered in 1906.

On 24 November 2007, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a light-hearted mention of Iced VoVos in his election victory speech, jokingly urging his team to have a strong cup of tea with an Iced VoVo before getting to work. This reportedly led to skyrocketing Iced VoVo sales, prompting Arnott's to send a shipping pallet of the biscuits to the Prime Minister's office in Canberra's New Parliament House.

sourced from wikipedia