The aim of the project is to teach beginners how to use Tarot cards, and to give an additional knowledge base to already experienced tarologists. There are too many “fortune tellers” and too few professionals in the world of esotericism, so a novice specialist has difficulties in acquiring clients.

Learning numerology from scratch from the Vadim Bezdelev Coaching Institute will help you find harmony, unlock your potential, learn motivation and leadership qualities.
Esotericism is the basis, and numerology, astrology and TAROT cards are independent additions that help us to understand the world around us more deeply, in ourselves, and find our true purpose in life.

Tarot is a legitimate method of counseling and a means of legal earnings. In order to master the art of Tarot cards, you only need a deck of cards and a desire to work in this field. Any abilities can be developed in the course of practice. Only the one who sets himself the goal of helping people is successful.