Hey i just came across youtube a while ago and i've only started to make videos fairly recently. Me and my friends like to get together and makes videos but previously, i found a webcam and made several...pretty bad blogs. Now we call the group of people we make videos with "Foster Studios" The Link to that Profile is aqui
So check that out when you can. That's where all the Foster Studio videos will be posted from now on
Btw, my Username has no sinister meaning behind it. All originated from me playing Counterstrike:source and i was a "suicial" playing, always just rushing and running in and miraculously killed people, so i just made it my name when i played games. So when i made my youtube account i just decided to make it suicidalmonkey (btw i like monkeys :P) I am not suicidal in any means in real life, so don't get any ideas :D