DhadkaN Group - Nisha

DhadkaN Group - Nisha .We are an entertainment based private firm working PAN INDIA. We are a group of Dancers, actors, singers & bloggers. Here on Youtube to entertain you all. Our main forte is Wedding Events and Choreographies. Our leading Choreographer is Nisha Ma'am. She is teaching dance since 15 years. We will be uploading a new video every 2 weeks. We conduct Online Workshops. Stay Tuned for more updates. Contact us on our email id for more.

100K Subscribers completed in JULY 2021.
200 K in JANUARY 2022.
300 K in December 2022

Email - nisha.dhadkangroup@gmail.com

Creative Head - Gyandeep Dagli (x.com/Gyanii29)

Producer - Vardhman Dagli
Video content managed by -: 4Bizz
Parent Company -: Idiotic.Media