Love my classic rock and instrumental rock and playing guitar as you may have noticed! I am also into video games and basically anything related to modern technology.
I am a completely self taught guitarist (which I am very proud to be) and have been playing for 4 and a half years or so. I've learnt a lot about how to play and techniques but i dont go around with a head as big as the door because there is always a better guitarist than yourself; namely the ones who inspire you to play in the first place. So therefore I would never admit to being one of the best guitarists ever. All that I do think is that I am original in what I do and don't want to end up sounding like a copy of every other guitarist on youtube.
I have more than just guitar videos too so please have a browse whilst you're here!
Shared 10 years ago
Shared 13 years ago
Shared 13 years ago