If you are fighting candida overgrowth, fungal overgrowth, yeast overgrowth and leaky gut, then this channel will have everything you need to beat it! candidiasis infection, candida infection, yeast infection and all different stages of candida can be beaten with the help of candida cleanser we can get your gut health back in balance.

Patty and myself have been with candida cleanser for several years with candida cleanser now running for close to 10 years online. Our products and candida cleanse protocol is used by doctors, naturopaths, healing centers and individuals for candida home treatment all around the world with over 150,000 people treated and cured of their candida symptoms!

Before you waste anymore money on using supposed candida treatments, candida diets or candida medication that simply does not cure the candida, please watch some of our videos and learn how you can get rid of your gut infection once and for all!

Helping You Heal
Aga and Patty


Shared 6 years ago



Shared 8 years ago