Hi my name is Jake Dobbie I am a film student in Australia and am working on a film based on the community of being a brony and the hardship on being one as well.
It is titled "spiral" and it is all about a boy named Jason Kamcy who is beaten at school for being homosexual and a member of the "Brony" subculture. Although, this was not the first time. But every time he was down, he always had the community and subcultures to fall back on, but this time is different, he just gives up. He then falls in a deep depression where he loses all contact with the subculture he was a part of as well as most of the outside world, through his everyday life things begin to go darker for him. He starts seeing glimpses, of the show and the community he abandoned, he starts to grow a little crazy, and depressed. So he the community he once was a part of begins to become worried and upset. So they try to help.
Shared 11 years ago
Shared 12 years ago
Shared 12 years ago
Shared 12 years ago
Shared 12 years ago