Marabu GmbH & Co. KG

Welcome to Marabu – Your specialist in Creative Colours!

Marabu GmbH & Co. KG with headquarter in Tamm is a family owned company which has been producing high-quality colouring materials for use both in commercial and home environments since 1859. A specialist in this field, Marabu Creative Colours has established itself as the German brand for innovative products and creative ideas for over 165 years.

In our YouTube Channel you will find many inspiring DIY ideas, instructions and current trends in the areas of handicrafts, decoration and working with colour.

Do you want to decorate your home or are you looking for the perfect gift for a very special person? Then let our DIY guides inspire you and learn what you can create with Marabu Creative Colours products, like the Marabu Fashion Spray, our Candle Liner or one of over 1,000 other creative products.

Please note that you will find videos in other languages in our Playlists.

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