If you grew up in or near Detroit, you'll probably "get it". (I'm a GEN X'er born in 1976. 😁) I make mostly shorts on here for fun. NO POLITICS PLEASE!
Most of my family are Detroit Tigers fans, but my GRANDMOTHERS on BOTH sides of my family especially LOVED THEM. My mother's mother was born in 1910 and lived to the age of 101. Both sides of my family have pretty much lived in the DETROIT area since the early 1900s. My father's mother lived to the age of 96 and watched almost every Tiger game! Of course I love the Pistons, Wings and Lions too!
My dad introduced me to MOTOWN when I was a child. We'd sing along with the radio while driving in our Ford.
If you like Motown, sports, "genXkid stuff", and/or Detroit-related things, consider subbing! ❀️ (Be RESPECTFUL to those who came before you. The world didn't BEGIN at your birth.) πŸ˜„


Shared 1 year ago