In 1971 I came to the Lord in the Jesus Movement in VA. However, in '74 as a student in Pinecrest Bible Training Center in upstate NY, I was impressed at the maturity of many older, 'seasoned' saints of God who spoke with great authority, not through long hours of study, but because of their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As students, we eagerly poured over the reels & cassettes of these older saints, many had already passed on to their rewards at that time, gleaning jewels and treasures they had discovered during their earthly pilgrimage!
In the years that followed, I have had a deep desire to make available to those who desired to place their feet on the foundations of what these 'old scouts' have laid, for "their ceilings need to become our floors" in order for us to move forward effectively in our deeper walk.
With a great sense of joy I begin sharing some of the transforming messages! Remember, Jesus is always central & preeminent not a particular doctrine!!!