3D Condo Explorer Inc. www.3DCondoX.com is a new Toronto based software company. We offer a unique Virtual Reality solution to Real Estate Developers which, based on actual results, we're proud to say that drastically increased sales after implementation.

3D Condo Explorer is powered by the Google Earth API and besides being a visualization tool that allows potential buyers to view a 3D representation of a building, with color coded Sold/Available units and neighbourhood points of interest and reviews, it can also be used to interactively customize anything inside any apartment before it has even been built.

We offer prospects a way to explore units, change colors and building materials, arrange furniture in their future home and even see what actual views from each window will look like.

The interface can be large touch screen monitors in Sales Offices or we can greatly expand those boundaries and make the software available through remote kiosks and also online, where buyers can book units and features.

See what others and the press say about our software and talk to us on www.facebook.com/3DCondoX and www.twitter.com/3DCondoX