🇦🇺🎣🏕️🛥️🥾🛶 English video upload on Friday; 粵語影片週三上架。
We are a family of four living in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. We love outdoor activities like boating, camping and fishing all around the Moreton Bay, Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast areas. We may as well be called the BCF-Wanderer (wink wink to BCF if you want to sponsor us).

歡迎你嚟到我嘅YouTube頻道。我係一個由香港移民嚟咗澳洲三十幾年嘅人。 我大部分嘅影片呢都係介紹澳洲昆士蘭州嘅生活。例如去邊度釣魚﹐露營﹐行山等等。 大多數嘅影片都係英文嘅。但我而家會慢慢開始用廣東話旁述。 如果你鍾意睇嘅。不妨訂閱我嘅頻道。同埋撳埋個鐘仔。 如果有啲咩嘢想知嘅。不妨留言話畀我聽。我盡量有時間都會做影片去回答你。