It is a strange and awe-filled world we live in. 80% of Americans don't believe Kennedy was killed by a lone assassin. But NO politician dares discuss it. The evidence is overwhelming. But NO history professor has ever written a book on the subject. The politicians know they would be killed. The "history" professors know they would be fired, or at least ruined. 3000 architects and engineers, with plaques on the wall and professional reputations, have signed a document saying that the Twin Towers could not have fallen as described. Yet NO ONE in the government, "history", or "news" establishments can mention this issue. NO ONE. Scholarship is important. Careful study and careful explanation of ideas, critical examination by peers, is important. TheRealHistoryChannel seeks to bring the best of scientific inquiry to the key issues of social science, so critical to understanding the events around us. We're just getting started. Your input is welcome.
Shared 1 year ago
Shared 8 years ago
Shared 8 years ago