Muhammad Ayub Wazir

Islamic scalar and International Holy Quran Reeciter, 5 Taimes Winner Of Pakistan National Quran Competition, 1 Time Winner Of World Quranic Competition at Iran🏆
Message to all muslims❗
My brothers and sisters,
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb !
Are you teaching your
children the basics?
Have you taught them how to pray, short Surahs, and social etiquette, Qeraat, Tajwwed, Tafseer, Maqamat(lehjat), Arbic grammar? Indeed, let us try to teach our children to have good manners, a strong religious bond, and a loving family, in'sha'Allah.
30 minutes class every student, 20 minutes for Quran lesson and 10 minutes for Namaz, kalme, prayers and short Surahs. 5 days classes in a week.
Time of your choice. JazakAllah.
Whatsapp, IMo number:00923369738385
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