Hello, we're Fohr, an ambassador marketing company.

Fohr was the first influencer marketing platform in the world. We’ve been connecting top brands with the right creators since 2013. We do two things: 1.) Run best-in-class campaigns for some of the biggest brands in the world; 2.) Combine technology and analytics to create tools for brands and influencers.

Influencer and ambassador marketing is all we do, all day, every day. With over 180k+ opted-in, on-platform influencers, $80M+ in influencer payout data, and over 5,000+ influencer campaigns under our belts, we’re constantly learning and evolving in step with the industry.

We believe that ambassador marketing is influencer marketing at its best. It's built on brand love, storytelling, and honesty. It's the kind of ad you remember, and at the same time, the sort of ad you forgot was an ad. Ambassador marketing is the future, and Fohr is leading the charge.

Learn more about us at fohr.co


Shared 1 month ago