

Triple H (CmPunkV5) - Leader
Batista (T3Deliciouz) - The Power
Ric Flair (EDGEwillSPEARtheUnde) - The Man
Randy Orton (Me) - R.L.O
Lita (Camilolz)
Edge (WrestlingFreak212) - Edgemeister


1. Sheamus
2. Chris Jericho
3. Randy Orton
4. Drew McIntyre
5. Edge
6. Wade Barrett
7. Dolph Ziggler
8. The Miz
9. Samoa Joe
10. Cm Punk
11. Ted Dibiase
12. Undertaker
13. Kofi Kingston
14. Rey Mysterio
15. John Morrison
16. Vance Archer
17. Christian
18. Rob Van Dam
19. Matt Hardy
20. Bryan Danielson


1. Layla
2. Natalya
3. Velvet Sky
4. Angelina Love
5. Melina

TOP 10 Former WWE Stars

1. Shawn Michaels
2. JBL
3. King Booker
4. Snitsky
5. Mike Knox
6. Goldberg
7. Vito
8. Crash Holly (R.I.P)
9. Shelton Benjamin
10. Paul London

1000th Commenter: CmPunkV5
2000th Commenter: WrestlingFreak212
3000th Commenter:WWEUploaderTvV1
4000th Commenter: HardyY2JMickie
5000th Commenter: T3Deliciouz
6000th Commenter:EDGEwillSPEARtheUnde
7000th Commenter: CmPunkV5

Currently Playing: Modern Warfare 2/Grand Theft Auto 4/WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2008

Question's and Answers:

Q. Can I Join Evolution?
A. If Your Born after October 1996 then
no because i want to be the youngest :l

Q. What system do you make your Highlight Reels with?
A. Playstation 3

Q. Whats your PSN id?
A. I'll tell you by PM.

Q. What Is Your Favourtie Wrestling Brand?
A. Smackdown

Q. Is sheamus really your favourite Wrestler?
A. Yes

Q. What Football team do you support?
A. Manchester United.

Q. How old are You?
A. 13

Q. Can you sub me?

Q. When will you make Highlight Reels again?
A. Idk, likely August.

Q. Who made your background?
A. Razorsedgefan

Q. What is your Youtube Theme song (s)?
A. When i'm on my own its: Ties That Bind by Alter Bridge

When I'm doing somethin wih MW2/CoD then its the No Mercy 2002 Theme

When I'm apart of Evolution then its "Line In The Sand" by Evolution