When I started keeping honeybees in 2012, even after taking a beginning beekeeping class through a local bee association, I realized that there was an overwhelming amount of conflicting information available, especially on the internet. So I began a search for bee keepers with years and years of experience. I was looking for the Old Timers (some were actually quite young) who seemed to really understand bees.
I have found quite a few people who seemed to have very good sense about how to keep bees and a true willingness to share what they have learned. My objective is to capture their insights on video and then give my loving and talented wife, a professional photographer and videographer, an opportunity to turn my videos into something you might actually enjoy. One of the most important facts I learned is that regarding bees, everything is local. What works in Virginia may not work in Texas or Vermont. . . . I hope we have a positive impact on your beekeeping experience.
Shared 3 years ago