Ella Magers | Sexy Fit Vegan®

Build a plant-strong body for life while creating a relationship with food you never need to cheat on!

An animal lover since birth and a dedicated vegan since the age of 15, Ella Magers, MSW, CPT, is on a mission to transform the health and wellness industry from the inside out.

As the founder of Sexy Fit Vegan, she's built an audience that stretches across the globe. Her work as a speaker, author, podcast host and coach gives people the tools they need to heal and empower themselves in a complicated world.

Ella’s desire to revolutionize our mindsets around eating, weight, and fitness is wholehearted and flows from a deeply personal place. Learn more about her personal journey on ellamagers.com.

Ella invites you to take an eye-opening self-assessment to gain valuable insights about your relationship with food, exercise, and your body:
