III Global Conference on Child Labour

The objective of the III Conference, that takes place from October 8 to 10, in Brasilia, is to evaluate the actions taken on the fight against child labour, to deepen the exchange of experiences among countries and regions and to reach, through government and social partners' commitment, the acceleration of the eradication of the worst forms of child labour. The starting point to evaluate progress are the measures stated in the "Roadmap for Achieving the Elimination of The Worst Forms of Child Labour", to guide nations, worker's and employer's organizations and civil society in the implementation of actions in order that, by 2016, children and adolescents no longer exert activities related to the worst forms of child labour: slavery, child trafficking, forced labour, forced recruitment for armed conflict, sexual exploitation, illicit activities such as production and trafficking of drugs and other activities that are harmful to the morals, health or safety of children and adolescents.