Patrick Flanigan is a 9 Time World Record Holder and recognized as the world’s fastest shotgun shooter. His professional career was launched by the Winchester Repeating Arms company in the early 2000’s. Flanigan broke multiple shooting world records previously held by Tom Knapp and Herb Parsons. Flanigan brought a unique blend of contemporary and traditional style to the exhibition shotgun sports and often referred to his style as extreme sport shooting. Flanigan’s accomplishments where recognized by the Winchester company and honored with the release of his signature shotgun, The Winchester SX3 “Flanigan”. Patrick Flanigan went on to break multiple speed and clay shooting world records.

Flanigan has starred on numerous networks and television programs to include, Winchester's Legends(Versus Network), Hot Shots(NBC Sports), Shell Shocked(Sportsman's Channel), Impossible Shots(Outdoor Channel) and Player Style Files(CBS Sports).

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