Birds of Chicago is a fluid musical collective centered around two constants - mixed heritage cross border couple, Montreal’s daughter Allison Russell and son of Chicago, JT Nero.
Birds of Chicago was born in 2012 when Russell and Nero began writing duets together. Both were accomplished singer/songwriters with projects of their own, Nero with Chicago's JT and the Clouds and Russell with the acclaimed Canadian roots outfit Po’ Girl - but together there was an unmistakable chemistry.
Birds of Chicago's music seeks to carve out a righteous space of love, empathy, inclusivity and hope amidst a culture that is increasingly hostile to such notions. They reassert the simple notion - radical in these times - that beautiful words and music can still tap deep veins of emotion, remind us of what unites us, bring us closer together - and push back against the fear mongering and the false lines of division.
Shared 9 years ago
Shared 9 years ago
Shared 9 years ago