Sai Jewellers [SJ]

Sai Jewellers channel is for the jewellery lovers, we would love to enable you the latest designs in jewellery. We offer latest designs of gold & silver pendants, rings, earrings, Mangalsutra, necklace, bracelets.

We don't sell online products, we are just making youtube videos thats why we don't provide our personal information such as contact number.

#SaiJewellersSJ #goldmangalsutradesigns #goldratetoday #todaysgoldrate #gold #silver #silverratetoday #toering #Silvertoering #goldearrings #latestearrings #lightweightgoldearrings #hangingearrings #newdesignearring #fancyearrings #simpleearrings #goldhoopsearrings #dailywearearrings #earrings #goldjhumkas #goldsuidhagaearrings #goldnecklace #longmangalsutra #longganthan #longnecklace #miniganthan #shortmangalsutra #vatimangalsutra #miniganthan #ganthan #silveranklets #silverpayal #anklets #pendant #Chandikipayal #ankletsdesignforgirls #silverbangles #silverbabybangles