"Why" isn't merely a three-letter word; it's the essence of our being, intricately woven into our existence from the moment of our conception. It encompasses profound questions: Why this family? Why is this country my homeland? Why am I born a human? This enigmatic "why" accompanies us relentlessly until we unearth satisfactory answers. And it forces us to unravel the mysteries of our world. Through my videos, I embark on a voyage into historical, mythological, and cultural conundrums aboard the vessel named "Why." Join me as we navigate the unknown together.

Natalia Suri has lived most of her life in New Delhi and Spain. She holds a master's degree in Spanish language from JNU. Natalia taught Spanish at IIT Delhi for 12 years. She has traveled across 42 countries. Her globe-trotting experiences have been great moments of education apart from the fact that they have also contributed to becoming the most important lessons